Beware. There's a secret league of people who's sole purpose is to waste your time, take your money and/or make a turkey out of you. These people are called "Scammers" (or assholes). There're all
kinds of scams, so be on the look out. Because you could be being scammed right...NOW! The particular kind of scam that I may become prey to is the craigslist-interview-scam. I got a call today telling me that "
bosses" liked my resume and that my presence was requested for some more information. Being currently unemployed, I jumped at the opportunity to sell my labor. I became wise to their game when I checked them out online and the predictive-search-drop-down was like "*** **** scam". ("Feeling lucky?") Well, I'm still going to go in. (I am unemployed after all. "This could be my big break!") I'm just glad that google, in it's e-finite wisdom, took the time to warn me. So I'm feeling pretty special and I'll be prepared just in case any of these buzzards try to pull a scam on me. Wish me luck!
nice knowin ya...