I've been trying my best to be a good host but it's pretty effing difficult! So far, we've been taking the bus everywhere. (Which is a poor reflection of LA and me.) And by "everywhere" I mean to Hollywood and Amoeba. That's all we've done so far. When I came back from work yesterday my sister told me that Andy'd stayed home sick! I didn't plan for that. All I had for him was FrootLoops, Pop Tarts and Eggo® because I figured he'd pick something up around town. When I came home, "Help me!" was written all over his face as I'm sure there wasn't enough nutritious food in the house to nurse him to heath. And this morning he was woken from his [sofa]bed at 9am because the "clean all" guy came to wash our 60 dollar used sofas. So now he's nestled under guest blankets on an airmattress in my sisters room. Which faces East so he may as well have translucent eyelids. But I have a plan! I decided to make him breakfast. Eggos® and some homemade homefries (That I've never made before, and am scared to taste.) I was hoping the scent of it all would wake him from his sleep but it hasn't yet so that can't be good. I'm sure I'll be the death of this boy...
You are the best host ever! Quit being so hard on yourself!
ReplyDeletedon't comment as me!!!! Now i look crazy!!!!! geez.