You know the awesome overlap when you hear, see or say a word at the EXACT moment you hear, see or say the same word? (And I don't mean reading.) That happens to me a lot. I call them "Cosmic Coincidences". It might be too grand a term, but I got to thinking, "What if God (or whoever you believe in) was trying to reveal some sort of message to me through a series of random one word clues!" In April 2009 I started to write them down. The "*" means the overlap wasn't as clear or I wasn't sure I should count it. The message has yet to be revealed to me so the game continues! Oh, and for the record, it's just for a laugh. This is the purest form of mumbo-jumbo. (or IS it...?!) Here's part I!
Told me Woman/women See Fone/phone Expertise/expertees Mind Hey London Understand/understanding Step Picked Never What World Activity/Activities Nothing See Know I’m Funny Do Know Follow Mind Stay Reach/Reaches Thought Come You/You’ve Suddenly Tell Mean Know Going Think* Me If Free* Lake/lakeside* Yeah* That She* Here Shadow* Yeah Twitter* Keep/keeper Yeah* Know But* Something Flooded/Floods* If Feeling* While* Walk/walks You* Shut/Shuts This is* You* Like Day/days* About* You* I* See* I know Fuck* Why So Know* Looks Navigate Way See Smile/smiles* Dream/dreaming* I had No longer Face/faces* Light/lights* Harm Work No Get/gets* Let’s* Sat* Hand Know/knows* Fuck* Not Walking/walks* Two I My* You* One Talking Too Tell You* Would* All right/Right* Stand/Stands Night I* This* Back* Try/Tries* Change* She* Watch/watched Isn’t* But* Do Them Just If you* She Well* Why* Knows/knowing Me* Work Time* I’m Right I want to tell you Street/streets* How* Where* At a* Alone My life* One* Mean* (as in meaning) Here* Door/doors* Love* My* Love* Day* She It was To Don’t You Me* Butterfly* (picture/heard) Understand* Change* Out* I* What* Always Don’t* But You were I* She* Fuckin/fucking Gold Notice/Notices* Yeah* Hey* Please Sky* Know Face/faces You have/You’ve* Good* Don’t know* Job She* I* Don’t I* Tomato* Going to Found* Right* Face/facing* Hand* Do you* Way Clinging to/Cling to* Take/takes* Three/3* Looking Right* Know You* Friends* I am/I’m* It’s* And* Don’t* Know But I Me* Real You* Look/looks* Pack/packing* That* See you* You* What/whats Weekend* I* Yeah* Do Love you* Where Talk to* Right I* Oh* How Wonder* You Her* It’s* They will/ they’ll I’ll* Twilight* I* Smile/smiles* This* But Want Is* Let me* I* Sex* Out/out[laws] Topshop* Miss Cry* I I was* Try You will/You’ll* Just* Okay Again Donovan* Tears* You* Before* Why* She* Princess* Tell Crazy* Together* Really Out Campaign Black Now Before* All* God* Dick* For* Stop/stops* As she walks Goodbye/Bye* My* Drags/dragging* Call* Bed/bedroom* Feel I wanna be* Cold*
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