
At long last!!

If you never heard Russell Brand and Matt Morgan's podcasts you truly missed out and should maaaaybe strike yourself. ...HARDER! Well, it's been off the [BBC] airwaves for 2 years now because of that whole "Sachsgate" nonsense. (Caused by ONE notorious verbally handicapped celebwity...) And if you don't know anything about that don't sweat it. News from England doesn't carry as much weight as it used to. ANYOWL Russell and Matt will be broadcasting the first of twenty EXCLUSIVE radio shows on TalkSport starting 9pm Saturday, Limey-time! I apologize for all the CAPS and "!"s but, apart from my [eventual] wedding day, I haven't looked forward to anything else for this long a time. FACT! Podcasts of the show will be available on iTunes so you kind of have no excuse. So watch the video and become a fan! We may need you when we take this radio revolution to the streets! Luvoo~! Bye~!

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