
10 things I did as a kid but no longer do

In no particular order:
  1. Eat boogers
  2. Play with frogs and tadpoles
  3. Pick/eat wild berries ...by the train tracks
  4. Pee in the pool
  5. Pee in the bed
  6. Steal (only candy. ...Geez! I don't do it anymore!)
  7. Chew "A.B.C." gum
  8. "Three second rule" EEEEVERYTHING....
  9. Kiss 8 year old boys
  10. Poop green
Yeah, children are gross. (or maybe it's just [younger] me...)


  1. I never did any of that...ur gross.

  2. Whatever! You were the f*cking Tom to my Huck, liar! And I'd testify in any court that you knew where to pick the sweetest rail-berries.
