
Cosmic Coincidences IV

So* You/you’ve* Game* Maybe* Sometime Remember* September* With Love/lover* Out Drive/driving* Sister Fuck/fuckin’ *Water* Restaurant 1/one Blackout* Tub* Here 4:30/ “four and a half” Cracker/crackers Change* Willow*Back/backwards* Today For Doing/doign* Funny While Back* Nine* Me Sometimes* Am Sugar* Bill/bills* Step Your* ‘Til* When House/houses* 25 Can* You* Sun* clear Pull* There* Like Awesome Bred/bread Thanks/thank you You To Internet* ‘cause* I don't* I need* Friends Love Last Being* America’s/America* Skills* You Assisting/assistant* All I/I’ve* American/America* Deighton/Dayton*Administrative/administrator* But I/But I’m Know/no Now Yeah Me Serious* Just* When* Woman On Yours Kids [Never]mind/mind* Hall* Off* I just* More Oyster* Someone Think Ticket/tickets Dream/dreams Into* Work/worked Like Yeah Size Needs to Feel Warned/warning Boy/boys* Today To* Party* School/schools* Guy Like Students Circus Fox/foxes In room/in the room Also But All Know* For Some* Know You I’m* Face Did Right Picky* [In]to/2 Have/having Clean/cleaners As a/as the* Dance* California* Sleep You Know/no* I Drug/drugs MeIt Seat/seats* You* With/without* Party You* Get* Kissed/kiss Truck/truckers* Go Old/older* Next The* Vampire* Choose You/you’re* 2 Like* Hear Look/looked Missed* Choose Renew/renewed* Know* My* Like* You Jobs* I* Time Work* Time* Ten* Movie Love* Change You Day* Power* For Money* Online* Never On* With* I Yours truly, Look/looking* Japan* Writing/right You I’m not gonna/I’m not going to* You Family Different/differently* If Know* Moves Air/heir[looms]* In Of Card Good job* Moment Fair Pentagon* Week* Isn’t* Like Got* Hey Christmas* Shark* Right/writing* It’s Gonna See Corner* I don’t* Right/write Christmas There is Get there* Life Want/wanted Live (like “now” i.e. “live TV”) Don’t Wish Hope/hopefully* Can’t* Your Strangest* Thinking* Music* You* Today* Tonight* Day/today* It’s Snow* This Know* Funny Wall Around* Technology/technologies* Go* Already Weight Show Ashley*Potato/potatoes* Right* Famous* Like* Crazy/craziest* First* Showed off/ showing off New/knewDay/days Layer/layers You* For* Me* Time* Can/can’t Day/days* Show/showing Hello*For/forward* Found it* Tuesday* You* req[uest]/requested*

Okay! So now you're all caught up. Hopefully together we can solve this divine conundrum. And I gotta say, I'll miss the nebulas.

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