
And the winner is...!

Nothing makes you feel as low as a delivery place saying you're out of their area. It's a special kind of shame that really makes you wish you made different life choices. Because of this my roommate and I have been caught in the pizza turf wars (We rep Papa John's! *v-sign "p-JOHNS!") as they're the only places close enough to deliver to us. It kinda blows. But we've always craved something more substantial. So today we made a lazy-man's bet that we'd try our darndest to see if we could find a Thai place that would deliver to us OR be forced to cook for ourselves.

It took some doing but we did it! After being told by one place with a 3 mi delivery radius that our 2.8 miles were in the wrong direction, and being hung up on by another, we ended up finding a undelicious joint that wasn't scared off by our zip code. I've never been so happy to spend $15 dollars on slightly burned rice. Turns out we'd rather eat convenience than our own cooking. So we... won?


  1. Victory sometimes has the flavor of limp pad thai. I think Confucius once say[sic] that.

    I once lived just outside the delivery zone of my favorite local pizza place, Frank's; however, I'd established such a strong rapport there from my repeated patronage that they consistently drove the extra 300 yards or so to ensure I had a steady stream of pizza goodness. Oh, to be loved!...for my money!

  2. I'd deliver you pizzas anywhere <3
