
When your world looks kinda weird

When I was a kid growing up in Pennsylvania, I lived a very Huck Finn (Sh*t, or Tom Sawyer. I don't read.) life. I would go places. ...touch things! Get myself into all sorts of situations. Now I'm only left with memories. As a kid, I loved throwing gonzos. Well, that's what we called them. Not sure if it was regional or just my siblings. But we called those propeller seeds that would spin down from maple trees [in the appropriate season] "Gonzos" because they looked like Gonzo's antennae from Muppet Babies. How it worked was you take 'em, break 'em, and throw 'em [up in the air]. (I should work in advertising!) Then, science made them twirl to the ground! It was endless fun and one of my favorite activities as a kid. (Other than eating A.B.C. gum) I haven't thrown a gonzo in ages (Sounds like drug or sex slang...) and I hardly see them around any more. Never wanna forget how fun that was though. Spoze I could always name one of my kid's gonzo. That'd be fun for a while.

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