
more like FORCEbook!

I'm not a huge fan of e-change. So I wasn't too pleased a few months back when I saw facebook previewed another format change. I've had a facebook account since 2004 and have maybe witnessed all the changes they've debuted. And I remember hating each of them. Once I thought I could scare them by joining the group "If facebook changes, I'm out." But they ignored me and I later forgot what the old format looked like. But this time's different! This new format is the changiest one yet! It's so different from the way I've gotten used to facebook. At first, they asked me like a kind aunt, "You'd sure look good in that new profile I knit you." But now they're forcing it on me like oh so many unwanted school clothes. I dunno but I think I need a new look.

(Notice how they put my profile pic in the middle of my, at least, 100 friends who changed to the new format! "This could be you!")

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