

Being a type of woman, I sometimes watch Oprah. I watched an OLDprah on my dvr today about "Happiness". It came down to Oprah not understanding how someone who makes under 100k could be happy, but she agreed it could be supplemented by sex, close friends, relationships with neighbors, children, wide sidewalks and about 8 hours of social interaction a day. Now, before I watched it, I thought I was happy. Like the other day, I saw a pirate clown and a dead eyed baby on the bus and I just felt happy to be alive. But the show really had me thinking that I need to make my days more robust. Not just 8-hour sex sessions with my neighbor's kids on the broadest stretch of sidewalk on our block, but making sure I do at least one thing a day that makes me happy. Because if I can be on a 6-month "vacation" and still be categorically unhappy then I must not be living my best life. If only there was a sure fire way stack cheer in my favor... 
I'll get back to you.                                                                       


  1. I'd like to see that episode. Considering how many people live under her prohibitive 100k bar of happiness, that's a pretty bleak outlook on the condition of things.

  2. yeah, it was a bit hard to watch. she even told this happy toll booth operator how she considered that "the worst job in the world". then later the expert was saying that most people consider 75k to be the perfect "happy" amount and that anything beyond that is just an awesome bonus. but Oprah described the life that someone making that "little" as being pretty bare bones. i dunno, but I think she's phoning in this last season. Since she's gone all Ted Turner I dont know who she is anymore.

  3. I appreciate that she wants everybody to really push themselves for the 6 digit income, but I really don't think it's right to shit on other people's happiness D: however "alleged" it might be.
