When you're unemployed (or prematurely end your internship) you'll be surprised how easy it is to fill a day with tasks. Today, I helped a friend paint her bedroom. And before you say I was Huck Finn'ed into it, (shit, or Tom Sawyer'ed. I don't read.) I volunteered. I had to do the window moulding (or "sill") and asked if I could sit on her bed. She said no and I was like, "Fine. I'll kneel." As I crouched at the window I thought, "It's funny how the act of bending one's knees to the ground is called 'kneeling.' I wonder if there're other verbs like that..." As my absentminded strokes f*cked up her wall (and a liiiiiittle bit of her carpet) I brained as much as I could. I only came up with "handing/handling" something. If that impresses at least one of you, then I've done my "job".
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