
Prayer for Wastefulness

I'm thankful to live in a country where I have the luxury to waste food and water. I have drinking-quality water in my toilet and a trash can full of forgotten meals and slightly sour tangerines. I'm living the dream! Waste is a lifestyle I've grown accustomed to in America, and I don't know any other way. But I am not ungrateful. And because I know that I'm not likely to change my habits, I like to say a little prayer every time I throw away food I know could go into someone else's mouth. It goes a little something like this:

Dear Lord, 
Thank you for the bounty that you have blessed me with and giving me the luxury to throw away this perfectly good bag of potatoes just because it sprouted arms after I forgot about it. I know that I am truly blessed to be given the opportunity to throw away food simply because it grosses me out. And I am thankful that my awareness of this somehow makes it alright. I pray that I will not forget that having abundance means others have less. And I pray as I cast this bag of potatoes into hell that you will continue to bless me with plenty, because I know that my wastefulness is only a sign of Your goodness. My calf is fat and my cup runneth over and into the drain. I'm sorry and I thank You, Amen.

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