
I'm out this blog!

Sometimes I think I'm fed up with this blogging thing. I don't know what makes me think I should be blogging everyday. I don't know any other blogs that post everyday. And I don't have the traffic that if I skip a day it'd look like I went awol. When I started this blog whenever ago, I told myself that I'd stop if this ever got boring for me. It hasn't quite yet, but I find myself struggling to come up with content everyday. And I don't have to! And I know that this post about me having trouble finding things to write about fills my quota of one post a day. And I know that this isn't the first time I've talked about trouble posting, but I think I'm okay with that. I dunno, I have a couple things to think about. In the meantime, I'll leave you in the care of this responsible looking bear. While I'm gone you may have ONE popsicle from the freezer but only if you don't give the bear any lip. There's nothing scary in his briefcase or anything, but come on, he's a bear. Be cool.

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