
Is this prissy?

I was once called a priss by a friend. It was because I had some grotty $60 couches professionally cleaned as opposed to sitting in someone else's life-crumbs. The same friend later told me that he couldn't believe I threw away my stuff-crust pizza crusts and that he ate them out of my trash while I was out. So now I don't know what to believe! The other day I bought some $4 bread at Trader Joe's. I know what you're thinking. "What business do you have buying 4 buck bread?" Bear with me. I bought the bread because my roommate told me that it was awesome and that it made the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sure, right? And it did! Best I've had in a while.

So I'm cleaning up later and I see something in my tied bag of bread. A gnat or little fly was buzzing around the inside of the bag. I panicked! 'Cause I've already eaten that bread! Then I thought, "Wait. Am I flipping out or am I being a priss?" It was just in the front of the bag, so decided I was being prissy. Then I killed the fly (IN THE BAG) and used the slice that it was near to clean up any invisible fly-guts (@_@) and threw the slice away. Who's the priss now, right? But that's when I saw the 2nd fly at the back of the bag. And I threw the whole thing away. And if you think THAT makes me a priss then excuuuuuuuu~se ME! Sorry if I listened in class and germs scare me! I guess I shouldn't tell you I don't smoke drugs either, because something about lungs! Let me know if you want to still be friends. OR WHEN YOU GROW UP!


  1. I would've had to see the actual couches before I can say whether or not you were justified. If they were visibly filthy, then yeah, probably worth it.

    Tossing the bread was probably the right call - two flies sounds like there were probably more little fly eggs hanging around in there (ewwww).

    I once was super hungry and decided to make some cheese quesadillas. Alas, when I pulled out the tortillas, they had some mold on them!... so I tore off the part with the mold and ate the rest.

    Cheese and microwaves kill fungus, right?

  2. "two flies does not a priss make." but yeah, those couches were noticeably dirty, in my opinion.

    i'd probably do the same thing about the quesadillas. cheese is kinda like a fungus anyway, right?

  3. Exactly! Although your previous "mushrooms are gross" post brings me back to square one, fungus-wise :-/
