
To my secret admiral!

I don't have frequent traffic to my blog, but I do have frequent visitors. Most of them loyal friends who, well, would read any old nonsense I digitype. And I love them! I know all their names, and know where they all live. All except one person. For months now, I've been noticing someone in Malaysia LOVES me! They read my blog, without fail, every week but go without leaving as much as a comment. And I have no idea who they are! As far as I know, I don't know anyone in Malaysia, but I'd like to. And if you would like to make yourself known, I'd like to love you. You haunt my dreams! Who are you? What do you look like? How do you eat a Reeses®? What makes you continue coming here week after week. So this Valentine's Day, I dedicate this post to you, my South-Asian phantom sweetheart. And I'm hoping you're an actual person and not some kinda spy or web-crawler monitoring the content of my posts. And if you're a real person, I hope that this declaration of love quickens you to make yourself known. Because there's nothing to fear except the strength of the love we have for each other.