Hello friends (and voyeurs)! After much thought (and even more cajoling) I have decided to start a blog. This one! Yay! Do you like it?! (Well you can't yet because I haven't started. Or! You DO because you love me and are proud of me!)
I was really apprehensive to add my voice to the "noise" (because, really, who cares about what I have to say) but as a writer I started to feel a bit inadequate because I hadn't yet built an e-Pedestal to deliver my incendiary views. (I still don't think this is the right platform to unleash my radical nonsense on the world, but who knows, right?) But the idea for this blog developed because I looked forward to reading blogs of my friends. (And what am I if not hungry to belong?) But their post became fewer and I wanted to rekindle their love for... this kind of thing. But yeah, I hope to write at least one post a week. Actually, I would love to post everyday, but that may be a bit overzealous, so I came up with a list of aims that I KNOW I can most definitely achieve. Here goes!
1. Not write anything that will make me less popular with my friends.
2. Not to write anything ironically. (I'm only slightly serious and very naive. So don't read too much into what I may post/mean. Or do. I'm not bothered I suppose. ...fools.)
3. Do write things that I think the people that I think are interested in this type of thing (dreck) would like to read. (I'll try not to let you down!!)
4. Not take myself too seriously. (It's just some e-words. so, they don't really exist! "You're crazy for reading!!!)
5. Stop if this gets boring for me. (I'm the best kind of selfish, but still love me.)
So I think that's about it. I'm working through some bugs now. (Like centering my banner. WHICH I DREW!) So if you know how you can help make this a better blog (or bletter) I would really appreciate it. Alright! Enough of this ranty preamble. (See what you have to look forward to?!) Time for me to get started!
宜しくお願いします! (^_^)
i fully support you and your penchant of pointy hats!