
I think we're ready

Generally, once a phrase gets played out that's it. Sometimes it's a relief, as we're spared of the "Who let the dogs out?"s and "Getting jiggy widdit"s. But here are a few gems that I think could stand the test of time and that I'd love see make a comeback:
  1. Did I do thaaat...?
  2. Turtle power!
  3. Where's the beef?!
  4. Up your booty and around the corner!
  5. Cut! (*sign) It! (*sign) Out! (*sign)
  6. It's not a tuma!
  7. Wheezing the ji-uice!
  8. Wocka-Wocka!
  9. You're a dead man, Ramsey!
  10. Somebody STOP me!
  11. Talk to the hand!
  12. NOT the mama!
  13. Mine ya biznis! (*twitch) Just mine ya biznis!
  14. Oh botha...!
  15. Make mine a CUB sandwich!

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