How many types of white girl are there?
Catalogs still come to my folks' house. Yesterday, I went through it for the first time in ages. I saw that they've since added a Native American doll in suede pjs, an American Mexican from New Mexico and a Chinese American one from San Fransiskee. Addy's even got a bed now! (Although the 'African' and inexplicable tiger on her quilt are a bit problematic..) Even though the colored dolls are a bit stereotypical, I'll agree that it's of course a step in the right direction. But now there are up to at least eleven kinds of white doll and I don't understand why. Surely there're some doubles in there! If I ever decide to buy an American girl doll I'd still buy Addy. I'd just go on eBay, buy all of Samantha's discontinued housewares and rewrite her back-story. Give her the life she's never known. Because apparently I can't rely on the cheeses at American Girl corporate to make a doll I wouldn't be ashamed to take to a tea party. Because everyone knows that slaves didn't drink tea [often].
My Phone
- They both can't do anything fancier than calls.
- I'm embarrassed to take them out in public.
- And the service is just... terrible.
New Toy!
Dream flying
Beauty and the Bigamist
What if when Beast was a douchebag prince he had some kind of live-in lady. And after he told that beggar woman to f*ck off she was turned into like, a spoon or something, like everyone else. And Beast didn't mess with her anymore because, cummon, how's that gonna work? Or worst yet, what if she was just edited out because she didn't want to mess with (*whispers) beastly penis..! I think the most telling clue of this is young Chip. Mrs. Potts is way too old to have a cup that age. I know it's France, but let's be realistic. Anyway, Belle doesn't seem to mind, and just goes from scene to scene wearing that jilted dame's clothes. And how convenient Belle's the same size... Looks like SOMEbody's got a type...
Very Special Thanxgivin'
The Gift of Groban

Making dinner

A Slur is Born!

Really cool or really gross?

When it rains, it pours


Returning Food


It's easy to dismiss things as lame even if you know nothing about them. I’ve grown to form opinions about things that I’ve never seen or heard based on what little I know about them. I don’t consider it holier than thou (but feel free) I consider it a solid understanding of "self." A lot of it has to do with the fact that these things are forced into my consciousness despite my lack of interest. I've been made to know how to pronounce "Bieber" and "Snoooooky" and understand vampire/werewolf hierarchies all without my consent. But I guess it is an expected annoyance like advertising and people born in the 90s. Now, I don’t condemn anyone for liking anything that I think sux. I just would like the right to comment on anything I'm certain would offend my senses even if I don't know what the hell I'm talking about.
100th Blog Post!!!

lazy-man's game

Cosmic Coincidences II

Man Gets Around* See you/ seeing you* Know* Turn* Miles* Sorry Oh yeah The Embarrassing* Apartment/apatto* I’m You* Change/changes* Remember* That* Just* More* One* I’ll And* Just You* Back Me* One Say Can You Get* Classes/classy All* See* This’ll/this will* I’m* May be/maybe I don’t* Good Me* You’re She/she’s* Sis/sister Know* Happy You* Floor* God What Friends Question* Sad Dream Take I* Happy/happily Wall* We were Fool/foo’ You* Change* Work/works* Go* That* True You* Yeah Long* Just Head/ahead* You* Nic/nick* Beautiful Don’t* Good* Right* Your I* Want Converse* FUK/fucking* Awesome For* Can’t/cannot* I’m Said* You* Talk* Do Know* Tell Help/helps You One/ones* Care* Dead/dead-end [street]* Come/coming You* Rest* The* I can Familiar* A way/away* To Time What you got* To* You* Of* Change* Given it/ gave it* Bubble/bubbles* Words Blue Head/heads Make Want* Like Remember* After* Baby* I don't know* Both Thanx/Thank you Well* Girl/girls* Be* We* One Yeah* 04/four Deepest/deep* London* No Know* Come* True* Running I thought* White stripes/white stripe* Smile* Designer/designers* Mother/mothership* Know Nothing/nothings Hand/hands* Can’t I love* I/I’m* Leads You* Dress/dresses Good* She/she’s* This is* True Notes* She/she’s* Got I’ll* Come* Seven* Me* She* Know* Just* House* If I* I’m Hand/hands Window Your* Skin We were* What happens when See* But* Go* Cross/crossed Later Full/fool* Bye-bye/buy* London 4* To Tuesday Wednesday/tue wed* Say Keep it* You/you’ll* Songs* Lake* Alright/all right Feel/feeling* Right* Goodbye* Say Like* Mind* Yeah* Don’t* Know Through* Hard There is/ there’d* We Don’t know* You* Mind* Home* Tells/told* You God* She Walking away/ walk away
Guess who has two thumbs and just got off the phone with Jason Ritter?!

Delicious Murder

I just noticed
Today, in [fake] news!
One of the worst things I can think of?
Ah well.

Stealing heat

Choosing an alarm clock

Getting Played

You hear it too, right?
Memory Lame

So what?
Mental Powers

Let me start by saying