
How many types of white girl are there?

At least eleven. Introducing, in no particular order, American Girls: Felicity, Elizabeth, Kirsten, Samantha, Nellie, Rebecca, Kit, Ruthie, Molly, Emily and Julie. They're era dolls that are supposed to represent the different types of contemporary American girl.  Growing up, I was a huge fan of the dolls. My favorite one was Samantha (dead center).  She had the cutest outfits, a better bedroom set than me, and a real-live toy horse. I was determined to get her until 1993 when they debuted their black doll, Addy. I was beaming! When my catalog arrived, I flipped through it until I came to her bio and saw that she was a former slave. Even at 9, I thought, "Really, American Girl? The only black doll you could come up with was a 'courageous' runaway slave?! There're like four white dolls! ...She doesn't even have a bedroom set!!" And I fell out of love with the whole franchise.

Catalogs still come to my folks' house. Yesterday, I went through it for the first time in ages. I saw that they've since added a Native American doll in suede pjs, an American Mexican from New Mexico and a Chinese American one from San Fransiskee. Addy's even got a bed now! (Although the 'African' and inexplicable tiger on her quilt are a bit problematic..) Even though the colored dolls are a bit stereotypical, I'll agree that it's of course a step in the right direction. But now there are up to at least eleven kinds of white doll and I don't understand why. Surely there're some doubles in there! If I ever decide to buy an American girl doll I'd still buy Addy. I'd just go on eBay, buy all of Samantha's discontinued housewares and rewrite her back-story. Give her the life she's never known. Because apparently I can't rely on the cheeses at American Girl corporate to make a doll I wouldn't be ashamed to take to a tea party. Because everyone knows that slaves didn't drink tea [often].


  1. i would like to see an irish american immigrant doll who curses like a sailor and cant hold her liquor! talk about realism!

  2. They have one! "Nellie O'Malley"! She's Samantha's best friend and comes from a working class family. "She personifies the working-class immigrant experience of the time and teaches Samantha about the conditions faced by children who are part of the work force. Nellie and her sisters are orphaned and later adopted by Samantha's relatives."(wikipedia) Yikes! Guess she doesn't have it any better than the black dolls.

  3. As long as they'll all make me a sandwich when I'm watching the game, I won't complain.

  4. Jimmy Deez ....you know the restDecember 1, 2010 at 7:36 AM

    What about a line called the American Boy? I call dibs on Mandingo, a former proud African Warrior from the Gold Coast who was enslaved while taking a walk and minding his own business while hunting and gathering (his side hustle). In America he was forced to pick cotton, lift heavy objects and Bo Jangles for his master on command. That was until he impregnated the master daughters, ran off to Canada with her and took a dump in the middle of his master's well bed as a going away present. Obviously the furniture is sold separately. :-)
