
Birthday Briefing

If you're not so good wif maths, my birthday is the Fourth of July. The best thing about having a birthday on a national holiday is that you don't have to go into work . The second best thing is that you can just co-opt events and make it seem like you went all out in planning a birthday blow-out. For that, no day's better than the Fourth. I didn't plan a thing, but I still got a bbq, fireworks and crowds and crowds of people to celebrate with. But to tell you the truth, I'm not a big birthday person. I like the cake, gifts and love, but I hate the attention. I feel weird about people knowing I care enough to do certain things for myself. I start to obsess about how excited I should feel about "my special day." And then I start to feel guilty that I half expect other to feel the same. So it's easiest for me if I just sit back and let the holiday run its course. 'Cause if people knew how much I love blowing out candles I'd just die! ...Don't tell anyone you read this!

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