
Tom Petty is a down to Earth jerk!

I was hosting someone at mine and decided to take the to a local giggle bar for a taste of LA colo[u]r. So I buy tickets online as asked a friend if she wanted to join us Sunday. "Sure!" She goes. (She doesn't go.) "Don't forget to buy your ticket!" I warned. "What the f*ck are you talking about?" She asked. (We swear at each other.) "Sundays are free!" So I call and it turns out that I somehow managed to buy tickets to a free show. I don't want to get too into it. But the guy over the phone said, "Yeah, sorry about that. Just bring your ticket in before 9pm and we'll refund your money, c*nt-munch." (He sometimes swears at me too.)

So I come in, EARLY, ticket in hand and ask random employees where discounts are handed out. And someone directs me to this official looking guy in a booth. (I'm going somewhere with this.) And he tells the dude that I called and if he could give me a refund. And the guy goes, "Man. I can't do that. Ask Dean." And "Man" goes. "Well, where's Dean?" "Dean's not here." And he looks at me and's like, "Dean's not here. He's here Monday." Then he was all like "How did you buy tickets to a free show?" and "Man, this is a business. We don't even usually GIVE refunds!" But then he said I could call Dean later and he could sort it out over the phone. So I'm like, cool, and ask him if I could get his name if I run into any trouble, and he goes "Pssh... It's Tommy!" All irritated like I asked if HE wouldn't mind giving me money from his own wallet and having Dean pay HIM back!

So I'm led into the club and after a courageously awful comic finishes the MC goes. "Now wasn't that awful." And then does hurtful riffs about people in the audience. Then Tommy comes on and resets the stage for the next comedian. And the MC is like, "Oh wow. Thanks, man. Give it up for Tom Petty." And of course it was. Wearing a staff t-shirt and setting up chairs at a Hollywood comedy club. Of course I would've been more impressed if I would've recognized him right away. Or if he wasn't parading himself like a pauper. And I'm like, if he's f*cking THE Tom Petty I still don't see what the big deal was! He had that $35 dollars...

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