
This is unacceptable!

I don't know what happened. First, I was just taking a break. I was irritating myself constantly thinking of content to post and convinced myself it was alright if I skipped the odd day. Next I was blaming it on work. Saying that I would obviously have less time to devote to recording nonsense. Then before you know it, I drop off the guinea map! I can't account for it, because honestly, I haven't been that busy. I'm thinking that somewhere along the line I maybe forgot I had a blog? I'm pretty sure. I know that's hard to believe because of the ferocity I started with in Septober. But I must remember that I'm a creature of routine and convince myself to blog at least 2ce a week. I think I can handle that. And bless you nameless few who've checked in now and then. Your devotion will not go in vain. To make up for my total lapse in typing, I will play a little bit of catch up. I just hope I don't over do it like i did in October. It pissed all over importance of my 100th post.


  1. march and april were/are hard to blog in!

  2. yeah! its incroyable how much there is to do when you're not sat behind at a computer. Like learn how to use french words in regular English conversation, pour example.
