
Kate care less

I was in the store the other day and saw this magazine simply titled "Kate". It was an entire generic glossy dedicated solely to future British Princess (Queen?), Kate Middleton. Seeing it really upset me. Even as a self-described Anglophile, like most other Americans, I care nothing of the Royal Wedding. We hardly know anything about Prince William. We're mostly, "Wasn't he just 12 years old?" and "Ooh, wasn't it horrible when the TV killed that poor child's mother?" The gravity of it is lost on me. When are the media going to realize that Americans have given up fawning over royalty the day we discovered Johnny Depp films and collectable state quarters. It's bad enough we lost the accent! We don't need the media reminding us we'll never be the subject of a hunky sovereign.

(Hachi machi! "My KINGDOM for a hug...!")

1 comment:

  1. But... but the King's Speech!

    ...yeaaahh I got nothing, what are those wacky Obamas up to?!
