
I've become a man

Looks like I forgot our anniversary. According to my math[s] it has been a year and... 3 (4?) days since I started this blog. And I let this landmark event come and go without incident, and for that I feel awful. You deserve better than me. I never thought I'd be such a neglectful lover, but I let my personal life take all my time and forgot to treat you nice.

I made a lot of promises back then. Not "promises" I guess, but I said a lot of things I maybe didn't mean about what I planned to do with this blog and I feel like I only half delivered. I know that's a run-on sentence but hear me out. I'm real sore for what I've done. For like four months I posted at least once a day, but I'm acting like I don't care any more. I set a standard for myself when I started.  Let's see how I measure up:

     1. Not write anything that will make me less popular with my friends.
     Since I started this blog I've become a real bad-ass. F*ck friendship! I'm pals with the truth!

     2. Not to write anything ironically. (I'm only slightly serious and very naive. So don't read too much into what I may post/mean. Or do. I'm not bothered I suppose. ...fools.)
     Let's just take this one out.

     3. Do write things that I think the people that I think are interested in this type of thing (dreck) would like to read. (I'll try not to let you down!!)
     Check √. You guys are some weirdos.

     4. Not take myself too seriously. (It's just some e-words. so, they don't really exist! "You're crazy for reading!!!)
     I don't think I'm in any danger of that

     5. Stop if this gets boring for me. (I'm the best kind of selfish, but still love me.)
     Umm... this has gotten pretty boring for me at times, and I'm sure it has to you, but I don't have plans to quit any time soon. I like blogging. And like to think you're sometimes entertained by my nonsense. 

You know what, it doesn't matter if I passed or failed. Point is, I'm sorry. I know I'm always asking for forgiveness, but I'll try to do better. Hey?! I thought about retroactively posting a blog for September 30th but thought you deserved it straight. That's gotta count for something right? So give us another chance, dahlin'. I'll try to come 'round more. It's the least you deserve for putting up with a chump like me.  And who knows, maybe we'll find our way to each other again. 

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