
Three favorite quotes of this week:
3. "Don't tell me what bacon isn't."
2. "I'm glad you took off that offensive mustache."
1. "I think about Sonny Bono maybe... once a week. "

1. People only know one Chaplin, so Halloween is not the time to try to impress anyone about your film knowledge.
2. If you don't have the Chaplin look down pat, people will mistake you for an antisocial hitler.
3. If you draw on a mustache you'll most likely forget it's on and make it that much harder for guys to chat you up.
got some candy in the end so all in all it was a good night.
My ship has finally come in! (I think.)


I'm sure that a (relative) lot of you have noticed a change in the quality of my photoshopped posts from when I started nearly a month ago. I've been practicing on my C3 (thats right) and have discovered how to better do some things that'll make my pictures look loads better. I am by no means a pro (I'm pre~tty effin' close) but I plan to get good at this by the end of the year. So expect a level of quality that, in the future, you'll come to know us for. A slight of hand so subtle you'd think it no less natural than a baby's cough. So stay tuned.
I look forward to dazzling you.
Day off

Looks like it's time to have "the talk"
I saw the most distressing thing today

Back to the present

We won't forget you!

A recent study of women shows that...

Déjà Vu

Forgotten formal script

My hand wrote a note in cursive today. Not sure why I didn't stop myself, but I kinda dug it. I'm glad I still remembered how to do it after so long. (Beautiful useless skill.) I think I'll try a backflip next..
Asia-town, USA!

Set Menu

I think I'm starting to get the hang of this hosting lark. You just suggest things and make sure your guest doesn't object to doing them with you. So far we've been to the Hollywood, Amoeba, La Brea Tar Pits, South Central, Denny's, Santa Monica Pier and visited a futuristic gas station. MAN the things that boy's seen! Today I took Andy to Fox Studios, where we loitered, ate quesadillas and saw people who better knew what they were doing with their lives. After that we ran errands and made pasta. I know what you're thinking, "How do I get on the list for 'Casa Fiesta'?!" Well, my friends, it's as easy as coming on down! So stop by mine! Where you're guaranteed at least one hot meal during your stay and where there will always be a pallet in some dingy corner of the floor with your name on it.
T-48 hrs

Yesterday, I dreamt that a man in a skeleton suit was trying to deliver a child a letter. He traveled far across time and weather to deliver his message to a child (who I'm pretty sure wasn't even born yet.) But as the man traveled he became smaller and smaller and the letter became too much for him. He finally reached the child's window but by then he was too small to ask to be let in and too weak to hand over his letter. He collapsed outside the window got covered in snow and died. Butthisallhappenedinlikefourdreamsecondsandthatchildwasn'tanyoneIknew so I didn't care.
Yeah, I'm not going to log my dreams. Dreams are stoopid.
Naked Ghosts

Enter, "Mittens, the Chilly Ghost". (He smiles because his modesty is intact.)
Okay. So there won't be any cake.

1. cake
2. hangers
2.5. a plant. (non-smokeable)
3. more gin
4. more lime juice
5. gin and lime juice for yourselves.
6. space. (I prefer to drink alone.)
I know what I'm being!

Cosmic Coincidences

You know the awesome overlap when you hear, see or say a word at the EXACT moment you hear, see or say the same word? (And I don't mean reading.) That happens to me a lot. I call them "Cosmic Coincidences". It might be too grand a term, but I got to thinking, "What if God (or whoever you believe in) was trying to reveal some sort of message to me through a series of random one word clues!" In April 2009 I started to write them down. The "*" means the overlap wasn't as clear or I wasn't sure I should count it. The message has yet to be revealed to me so the game continues! Oh, and for the record, it's just for a laugh. This is the purest form of mumbo-jumbo. (or IS it...?!) Here's part I!
Told me Woman/women See Fone/phone Expertise/expertees Mind Hey London Understand/understanding Step Picked Never What World Activity/Activities Nothing See Know I’m Funny Do Know Follow Mind Stay Reach/Reaches Thought Come You/You’ve Suddenly Tell Mean Know Going Think* Me If Free* Lake/lakeside* Yeah* That She* Here Shadow* Yeah Twitter* Keep/keeper Yeah* Know But* Something Flooded/Floods* If Feeling* While* Walk/walks You* Shut/Shuts This is* You* Like Day/days* About* You* I* See* I know Fuck* Why So Know* Looks Navigate Way See Smile/smiles* Dream/dreaming* I had No longer Face/faces* Light/lights* Harm Work No Get/gets* Let’s* Sat* Hand Know/knows* Fuck* Not Walking/walks* Two I My* You* One Talking Too Tell You* Would* All right/Right* Stand/Stands Night I* This* Back* Try/Tries* Change* She* Watch/watched Isn’t* But* Do Them Just If you* She Well* Why* Knows/knowing Me* Work Time* I’m Right I want to tell you Street/streets* How* Where* At a* Alone My life* One* Mean* (as in meaning) Here* Door/doors* Love* My* Love* Day* She It was To Don’t You Me* Butterfly* (picture/heard) Understand* Change* Out* I* What* Always Don’t* But You were I* She* Fuckin/fucking Gold Notice/Notices* Yeah* Hey* Please Sky* Know Face/faces You have/You’ve* Good* Don’t know* Job She* I* Don’t I* Tomato* Going to Found* Right* Face/facing* Hand* Do you* Way Clinging to/Cling to* Take/takes* Three/3* Looking Right* Know You* Friends* I am/I’m* It’s* And* Don’t* Know But I Me* Real You* Look/looks* Pack/packing* That* See you* You* What/whats Weekend* I* Yeah* Do Love you* Where Talk to* Right I* Oh* How Wonder* You Her* It’s* They will/ they’ll I’ll* Twilight* I* Smile/smiles* This* But Want Is* Let me* I* Sex* Out/out[laws] Topshop* Miss Cry* I I was* Try You will/You’ll* Just* Okay Again Donovan* Tears* You* Before* Why* She* Princess* Tell Crazy* Together* Really Out Campaign Black Now Before* All* God* Dick* For* Stop/stops* As she walks Goodbye/Bye* My* Drags/dragging* Call* Bed/bedroom* Feel I wanna be* Cold*
What if the ocean went to sleep.
Three favorite quotes of this weekend:
3. "Like, you can't broil anything in the bathroom."
2. "I like when I get a cold and my voice gets all raspy. I'm like, 'Hey! I sound like T-Boz! Baby! Baby! Beh-baaay~!'"
1. "I feel sorry for my mom's nipples."
"Can't Bust 'em!"
Andy and I went shopping for some denims yesterday, and I gotta say, he's never looked better! He hasn't taken them off since! Nothing gets between him and his Calvins.
Be forewarned,
If you ever leave the front of the bar to ask your boss if my DMV driver's permit is enough to prove I'm over 21 I WILL bounce the door in your absence.
I'm pretty sure this happened
Guess what?

As fateful _____ would have it, I'm having another guest tomorrow. That should be fun for me. (said completely unsarcastically.) The only thing is that it's another friend from Japan so I'm not sure how my brain will make sense of it. I've been having enough trouble telling myself that Andy and I can have that shared experience in Japan and also be able to go to Trader Joes for scramble mix. I've kind of been able to wrap my head around that much, but throwing in another person may f*ck with my spacial awareness. I hope I can control my stares.
Stealing from children

I was conflicted the whole time I was rummaging for books. It was like looking through the wardrobe of a dead woman at an estate sale. I was happy for my finds but disturbed by the circumstances. Also, I felt that with the way my room is decorated with dinosaur toys and stuffed animals, the children's books would make make me look like either a retard or a p[a]edophile. (A very lame one that tries to lure children into her den with books.) It was sad, but the woman goaded me to take as much as I could. And I did. (those books.) So hide your children. (Lest I read to them.♥)
I decided to add titles to my posts again because it turns out its hard to find the share link without it. Still may leave pictures out. mix it up. That's how we've kept the love between us so fresh. (*slaps ass) ♥

If you've never been to the La Brea Tarpits you're probably slightly cooler than I! (see?) But I was able to earn big points in the host league by taking Andy to see what I told him were dinosaur bones. I don't know what I was thinking. I've rode past the tarpits like a billion times, but I guess my brain mistook the fiberglass mastodon family for a pack of [some kind of 'great lizard']. But that disappointment aside, I had a lot of fun! There are at least 4 things I learned at the tarpits today.
1. Dinosaurs died 65 million years ago and did not inhabit the same physical or temporal space as mammals from the Pleistocene Epoch.
2. Two inches of tar that settles at the top of a body of water can stop an animal thats up to 10,000 lbs.
3. The correct term is "Saber Toothed Cat"
4. Tar covered dragonflies look AWESOME!
I just noticed that you can make a post without adding a title. That was the hardest part of this whole thing for me. Finding content is a f*cking doddle. But titles? Those are real head scratchers. So no more of them. Unless I feel compelled. And while I'm at it. No pictures! I'll turn out posts like a champ if I streamline. Grow up. We're in a recession.

When worlds collide

It's interesting when two different parts of your life come together. I find myself staring at my friend Andy from time to time because I still haven't reconciled in my mind what he's doing here. Like, at all. He's a friend I met in Japan, and there he is in my living room, sleeping on my American couch and overall just occupying a physical and mental space that he shouldn't. Like it's the most normal thing in the world. Don't get me wrong my heart SINGS when I think, "Hey! There's my buddy!" And other times a shiver runs through me like, "This isn't right. ...Right?"
I'm the kind of person that when I travel someplace else/new, I kind of just accept that "Okay. This is my life now." And I just adapt to how things are supposed to be in this new place. But when someone enters a space in my life that they normally don't it's hard for me to accept that it's happening at all. My brain rejects the reality that Andy being here is unusual while it also reminds me that he isn't usually here. Thus the stares. I think I'll check in on him in a few and make sure this is actually happening.
Not that I'm saying there's anything wrong with it...

Home Alone

The kindness of strangers

angst, much?
Give him the works! THE WORKS! THE WORKS!

tung twifters
mouth sounds

A question unasked...
When I got on the bus this morning, I see this dude with a grandma cart of photography supplies sitting in priority seating. He was struggling to keep his stuff still so this lady helped him arrange it properly. I didn't help. And then a completely unrelated woman started piping up about how the lady who helped the man had pretty nails. She nearly screamed it. No. She screamed it. (I’m going somewhere with this.) A compliment turned into conversation. And conversation turned into questions about where the lady lived, what she did for a living and whether or not she touched other peoples feet. She didn’t. Then the unrelated woman (or “unrelady”) asked her “I bet you touch your husband’s feet!” and the woman replied, "My husband is deceased." Then all was quiet on the bus until I reached my stop.
Buying used things.

I've been treating the Los Angeles Goodwills as my personal Ikea and have kitted out my room with one-of-a kind decoritos that I think'll make visitors think I'm cooler than I actually am. And I've been doing pretty well making my room look nice while spending not much dollar. And I wanted to keep it that way. (Keeps me grounded) So my roommate and I decided to hit up garage sales and flea markets before the big party in a few weeks.
We decided to head to the Melrose Trading Post flea market at Fairfax High but, apparently, we weren't the first to discover this jem. I went in with 20 dollars hoping to find a unique whatever to put in my room but was really surprised that apparently I was walking into a string of outdoor boutiques with real-life store prices. I was under the impression that flea markets were tented yard sales where recovering hoarders unloaded some of their salvageable knickknacks for a pittance but I was wrong. Dead wrong! It was a trendy event crawling with "cool" 20-somethings in fashionably torn sun dresses and handlebar mustaches. It did my head in. I couldn't walk for hipsters!
I'll be going back though. 1. Because I was able to haggle my way into getting a side table for 10 bux from this accented man in a checkered blouse. 2. Because I saw James Spooner!!!! and 3. Because, hipsters aside, they have some pretty dope sh*t. I would say make sure to check it out, but apparently it's new to only me. So do what you like.
Dogs bum me out.

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