I don't really know my way around a workshop. And can maybe name like 8 different variety of "tool". But I found out there are like... a billion different kinds of nails! And, apparently, if you don't buy the right one you'll balls your whole project up. I purchased from Home Depot what I thought to be the your standard I'm-not-doing-anything-TOO-major nail and tried it at home; only to find out that it was basically only good enough for hanging a notice that tells me I need to buy longer nails. I, being the university graduate that I tell everyone I am, scoured the walls of my house looking for a stud (are they even called studs...?) left by the previous tenant that I could pry from the wall and use for my current project. (hanging a frame. seriously.) And I found one in my closet! So I took my hammer (yeah, I have tools!) and tried to pry it from the wall. And I did! But when I looked at it, it was like pulled tooth. It came out, root and all, and was all crusty and bent. And, it was waaaay longer than I anticipated. I thought "whatever" and took it to the desired wall and started hammering away. But I met some resistance. It was then that I realized that that particular portion of wall was directly opposite the toilet and that maybe I should stop. But I didn't.
So that's that. I hung up my picture (which looks rad, by the way!) And have a nail hammered in my wall that I should proooobably never remove. (Well, at least not before my lease runs out.)
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