
My favorite over-heard conversation

This weekend, I visited my neighborhood planetarium for the first time and it was AMAZING! I got to see the moon up close, saw a Frankensteined-out Tesla Coil and a real-life human gargoyle! There were kid's yelling, "I wanna be Jupiter!" and couples kissing under telescopes. It was pretty cool, but the place was swarming with nerds! You couldn't MOVE for people with clipboards and eyeglasses! But I guess the planetarium is full of all sorts. It's a great place for people-watching. And also, a fantastic place to eaves drop. I heard the most awesome series of sentences there. While walking down from the roof I heard this kid with a clipboard say,"Man, if evolution is real, we sure owe a lot of people apologies." Then he goes, "I'm just kidding, evolution ain't real!" Perfection!

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