
Do any of you peel oranges with a napkin?

I hate it when that citrus peel juice (or “zest” if you’re a pr*ck) get’s on my hands. It’s awful. I feel like I have some sort of dermal calcification disease. My paws get to looking like Thing from F4. Then I get depressed that I'm wasting my god-like strength peeling fruit. So I bite through the skin and kick it up a wall and then am told by my roommate that I don't get to eat oranges in the house anymore so now I use napkins.


  1. I think the zest is actually the ground form of the outer peel? Whereas the juice is from the very center...?

  2. a changed it slightly just for you.

  3. hahaha I only bring it up because a well-meaning friend of mine recently made me a rhubarb pie (my favorite!)...with orange zest mixed in as well. Normally I'm a fan of citrusy things, but somehow orange zest and rhubarb just don't get along in the same pie :'(
