
Congratulations! It's a Burden!

If you haven't been told or figured it out by now, I got a job! It's a bit weird doing things in the morning, but it's kind of fun working in an office again. Like today, it was Mardi Gras so we ate a "King Cake". It's the tradition of eating a colorful cake with a [plastic] baby hidden in it. At first I thought the gag was whoever finds it won't go to Hell, but it turns out that they just have to throw the party next year. And who wants to do that, right? So I made a calculated cut, trying to get a piece too small to hide a toy but still big enough to hold me 'til lunch. And as fateful eff up would have it I got the baby. Everyone got a good laugh out of it. But I panicked! I didn't want that baby! But damn, if I didn't want a piece of cake. So like any other unprepared mother, I did the only thing I knew to do, gave it away. I swaddled it in paper towel and left him on someone's desk like a sticky unwanted Moses. I'm sure who ever ends up with him will throw a rager of a King Cake party next year, so I have no regrets. I just started last week! I'm not ready for that kind of responsibility.