
Cheapskate Sweepstakes: "Stornoway"

STORY BEHIND CONTEST: The other day I was at my neighborhood Walgreens (or "chemist" if you're from certain places) when I decided to print pictures off my camera. I wanted to blow up this picture I took with the band Stornoway after a concert last December. But when it printed, it had this huge crease across it. They said they would do it over but there was something up with the machine so it took aaaages! I wanted a good'un so I decided to wait. The guy was having a time working the machine and had to call in his manager at one point. And after waiting the better part of an hour, it printed. Then again. ...and again. And even again! In the end, that beast churned out TEN 8x10"s! All with little creases across the top. I have no need for 9 pictures so I decided to throw an old fashion scwheepshtakes! My blog isn't very popular so I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, but so far the details are as follows:

RULES: Write a short statement on the topic: "Why I want this photo." An ideal entry would begin, "I want this photo because...", "What this photo means to me..." or even "When I was a photo..." And include your email/mailing address. I'm not [openly] psychic.

PRIZE: The picture you'll receive won't have any of this digi-writing, but it will have a faint crease across the top. And perhaps additional creases from shoddy packaging.

WINNER: The winner will be chosen by me and will be determined on creativity and by my debilitating laziness. But it will NOT be first come first serve. (I have a brand to protect.)

COST: All delivery costs will be borne (bear..ed?) by me. But I will use the slowest cheapest shipping means available so don't hold your breath.

So yeah, if you want a picture of a cool someone you might not know in a picture with an awesome band you probably never heard of send your statement to "duncessblog@gmail.com" or comment below! This sweepstakes is ongoing so enter, why not?! Your life may be better for it!*

*duncess. does not take responsibility for lack of change in quality of life. 

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