I've been researching for an awesome job opportunity by watching classic movies. The most recent being "2001: A Space Odyssey." Some parts were a bit too post-modern for me to get, I watched it until the end. From what I understood, it's a story about a group of American astronauts sent on a mysterious mission to Jupiter. The crew is comprised of 2 astronauts, 3 hibernating researchers and a super-computer called "HAL 9000". The film is considered by many critics one of the greatest movies ever made, but it just made me feel that we let down the past'os. The movie came out in 1968. One year before America put a man on the moon. (Already a little hasty.) Watching it, I became aware that we've really been dragging our asses when it comes to space exploration. But I find it pretty unfair that Kubric thought that in 33 years we would standardize commercial space travel. That's an awful lot of pressure. Anyowl, 2001 is officially 10 years ago so lets see how we measure up!

Howard Johnson? really?...alright. And check out them fancy space chairs! Those would be considered modern today! I wish Kubric could see the chair I'm sitting in right now. So dull, it looks like a drawing.
People hardly drink such delicious dinners. (It looks like the this illustrator is a descendent of the dude that drew covers of
Little Golden Books.) And Pan-am only makes bags now.
Well, at least we finally got the iPad. Nine years late.
the only thing we have to show is a tardy iPad. Humans suck :(