
20 Words That Sound Like [Certain Kinds Of] Black Names*

  1. Arduous
  2. Dossier
  3. Vermillion
  4. Chrysalis
  5. Rosacea
  6. Fibrous
  7. Area
  8. Loquacious
  9. Rotunda
  10. Veracity
  11. Credenza
  12. Audacious
  13. Humidity
  14. Sanguine
  15. Accuracy
  16. Reticent
  17. Organza
  18. Risqué
  19. Artillery
  20. Magnificence
If it helps, close your eyes and imagine it being yelled in a grocery store.
(*And I don't mean to be offensive. I just so happen to be a certain kind of Black.)

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