
Britain on the brain

I'm going to England a week today and I think the excitement is getting the best of me. I had the craziest moments of synchronicity today. No word of a lie, on my way to work today, I saw this puddle shaped like mainland England. I know what you're thinking, "Urg! What, are you blind? That doesn't look like England!" And to that, I say, geez, it's not an oil painting! It looks enough like England like a Mazda grill looks like the face of a robot cat. Plenty. Anyway, it looked enough like England to trip me out. So then this coincidence was solidified by me running into a guy from the British consulate when I was catching the elevator. I wonder what kind of UK energy I'm drawing to myself. Maybe I'm responsible for all this shit weather we've been having too. And I wonder what it means for my trip next week. It's an awful lot of pressure if these signs are telling me there's something I'm supposed to be doing. I hope they don't hear about the things I've been saying. 

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