
Biological Clock

There's a point in most women's lives when anything "baby" makes them go crazy. I'm no exception. Recently even the sight of a baby makes my mind wander. But not like you would think. Some women fantasize about having babies, I fantasize about naming them. I meet a person and think, "Ooh! That's a good name." Or read a book and know, "I wouldn't name my daughter that." It's absurd. Any Iggys, Petals, Olivers, or Thurstons I come across, I store in my mental Name-Bank to dump on some imaginary future kid. But it's all in fun. Right now I like babies as much as I like dogs. Because naming is far more exciting than the thought of raising a child I don't even have the attention to feed. The power to names things is amazing! Makes me feel like a real Adam. Not Eve. That tart ruined it for us all.


Do you ever...

...brush your teeth with your left hand and pretend you're going through physical therapy? ...me neither.